Fotografia pod znakiem wolności
Great news! ”Photography under the sign of freedom” – you can read about upcoming #vintagephotofestival2020 in #gazetawyborcza Kulturalne Kujawy the Opening Gala is coming soon!
Great news! ”Photography under the sign of freedom” – you can read about upcoming #vintagephotofestival2020 in #gazetawyborcza Kulturalne Kujawy the Opening Gala is coming soon!
Six photographers Katarzyna Łata-Wrona, Jolanta Rycerska, Kasia Kalua Kryńska, Marcin Jastrzębski, Andrzej Seweryński i Krzysztof Falcman enthusiasts of the nineteenth-century technique of analog photography travelling along of Pomerania seeking artisans to take a picture of their work and workshop.
The result of the project “Obsolete Occupations and Grafts in Kashubia” is an album with photos of nearly 40 craftsmen and folk artists from Kashubia! For each of these photographs is one of its unique story.
For the second time my works have been highlighted by ND Magazine. This is a great honor to be the photographer of the week in ND Magazine & ND Awards in such a good company.
You can see my ND Magazin portfoilo
The series of Six Hats was published in BLOW Photo Magazine issue # 00 ‘hold your breath’
A series was presented at the exhibition in the D-LIGHT Gallery as a part of the first
Photoireland Festival in Dublin
Get Away – winner in Still Life in The International 5th Annual Black & White Spider Awards competition, January 2010
Get Away – in a simple and symbolic way, says what is most important to me: the freedom, the need to look for oneself and fulfill dreams that sometimes seem very distant, but thanks to the determination become possible.
Cover and publication in issue no 22 of Soura Magazine / Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Inside the magazine you can find 8 pages with my photographs , an artist statement and biography
Holga Project
project by the fans of the plastic camera Holga
The premiere of a book “Sztuka wizażu. Podręcznik atrakcyjnej kobiety”about the art of make up and style. Photography by Kasia Krynska and Przemek Blechman.
Authors meeting 28.11.2007 18.00hrs Empik Megastore Nowy Świat